Thursday, 8 April 2010

Office Progress

We had a little break on the house for a while (couple of weeks!) but now in full swing getting my office ready.

Reza is breaking up the floor and putting in some plastic ducts to house the central heating pipes and possibly wiring/networking etc depending on how much room there is. Next step is to plumb the radiator in under one of the windows and then I guess the wiring. 9 weeks till puppy time! Don't think it'll be done for then but we can have a good go :)

We also had a door frame fitted over the weekend which is looking good. When the plasterer comes we'll have to knock some of the plaster off in the hallway but it's not a huge problem.

I found this picture of a lovely office on the Ikea website and think we might work towards.

I've been tidying up the garden and pleased to see some of my bulbs coming through. No idea what this one is?!

My blueberry bushes are coming along nicely. One slightly more than the other two

I also planted 300!!!!! mini plants over the weekend but there seems to be some debate on where I should keep them. I bought a little greenhouse thing to keep them in which works well but should they indoors or outdoors? The leaflet says 16-18 degrees but I've been told if they are too warm they will grow 'leggy'. hmmmmm

The log store is looking good for next winter and we seem to have aquired a Land Rover rear door!

I am dog sitting this week for Dylan awwwwwww I would say it's good practice for the puppy but not really as Dylan is good as gold. He loves being outside in the garden!

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